Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Infertile Mas.ochist

That's right folks...as I was warming up my lunch here at work...I was struck by something and just had to let you all in on it.

Infertility is turning me into a mas.ochist!

As I was in the kitchen warming up my lunch, I caught myself thinking "hey...my bb's are still pretty sore today" Then I thought..."Dang, I wish they were more sore"

Seriously...During the 2ww I spend a great portion of my day wishing for the following:

Implantation cramping
Sore nipples
Bleeding Gums
and the list goes on.

As I look at this list I think "SERIOUSLY???????" It is frightening how utterly miserable I want to feel in order to be over the moon happy.

It's sick - it really is. I can not believe that I have succumbed to this and that I am actually happy when I feel crappy during the 2ww.

It is just a little humorous and a little more disturbing isn't it...but...the best part of it is...
If you are fertility challenged and are reading this blog - you feel the same way!


So all those thoughts of how crazy I sound when you were first reading the blog...apply to you as well.


Hey...misery loves company right?!

But out of all seriousness...it really is a little disturbing!


Jocelyn said...

Yea, actually I was thinking the other day about how exciting it will be to give myself shots again. I'm a sick-o.

Oh well, it's just cuz we wanna baby. Here's hoping you experience some pain! :)

Nikki said...

Oh yes - totally get you. I'm so looking forward to the shots and bloating and discomfort. And I hope all that continues and gets worse and I develop sore bbs, headaches, nausea - all the fun stuff!

"How miserable we want to feel, in order to be over the moon happy" - how true!

BTW - I tagged you to create and publish your bucket list!

Hope2morrow said...

We're all a little mental after going through all of this, but who can really blame us? HA!

Emily Weber said...

Ya, I understand completely! I was always on the lookout for the "misery" and hoping and praying for it to come, and when I actually DID get pregnant, I STILL didn't have ANY of the signs! I didn't actually believe it till I saw the ultrasound!! So I guess, sometimes the LACK of signs can still be a sign??

C said...

I just got caught up on all of your recent posts....well, you're right, all IF'ers are masochists. Who else in there right mind would want all those things and be that miserable?:-) Oh well, at least we're all in it together.

I'm glad to hear your body did some O'ing on it's own...that's exciting in itself. I'll be thinking of you from now til Thanksgiving. (fingers crossed)


Bec said...

Unfortunately I know EXACTLY what you mean!!!