Tuesday, July 08, 2008

So Sorry...

I am so sorry I have not updated. Seriously I thought I was going to have to check myself into a white padded rubber room. I am not sure if I can blame it on the Clo.mid or the overall hormone stuff or what, but I have been extremely emotional and moody. I can't wait to actually feel like myself again!

I tested on 12DPO cause I am a glutton for punishment. negative

I tested on 14 DPO. negative

I was devastated once again. I know that I have a lot to be thankful for this cycle...my period started on it's own, I ovulated...I really am grateful, but I just so wanted this to be the month for us!

On a positive note, my friend T came in from Texas on Friday. It was so good to see her! We caught up for a few hours and then the three of us (Pace, T and myself) went out to watch fireworks. We got back to the house kind of late, so we all crashed out.

Saturday was the day of my birthday party. It was so much fun! Not too many people came, but the ones that did had a great time. We rented a karaoke machine and it was a huge HIT! We swam for a while and then sang even longer. Many incriminating photos and videos were taken and fun was had by all.

On Sunday Pace, T, myself and a couple of friends went tubing down the Salt River. This is a huge thing to do here in AZ, however I am not a fan of wild water at all. I have heard some horror stories about the parties and the nudity and such and was actually pretty nervous about the whole event, but I went. I can now say that I am glad I went...but will never go again. It was ok, but it was really hot, there were WAY too many stupid drunk people and I smashed my arse into a huge rock in the rapids that has left a huge purpley, green bruise on my right butt cheek.

We got home from the river and I had to take my friend T back to her in-laws. It was so sad, I didn't want her to go. She and her hubby will be here in Oct. for her husband's R&R and I can't wait to see them again! I so wish they would hurry up and move here already. Hopefully once her hubby gets back from Iraq the will move here.

As soon as I got home from dropping T off...AF rang the doorbell. That's right folks...two months in a row she has come on her own. A fricken miracle!

I am currently on Day 3 and will start 100mg of Clo.mid in 2 days. I am NOT looking forward to another Clo.mid cycle and am not happy at all that I have to take it again. Pace said he has already rented the straight jacket and is ready...I wish I was as ready as he is.

Again, I really apologize for being MIA but I was totally obsessing and literally going crazy over the whole 2WW thing. I am really going to try not to do that this month. It so isn't worth it and I just miss feeling like myself again!

Thanks for those of you that checked up on me! You guys are the best and are totally the reason I had enough nerve to post a new blog today! I will fill you in on how 100 mg of Clo.mid treats me in a few days.


Teri said...

I hope this cycle is the one for you! I'll be praying :)

LJ said...

Sigh, silly AF, always showing up at interesting times.

Ahh clomid. It's the crazymaker. I hated it, but it did get me to ovulate at least.