Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Support Groups...

Well my is CD4. Good on one hand that AF came on her own, sad that she had to come at all. So, we are out for the month of December and honestly...I needed the break! I am still using the fertility monitor, and if I "O" on my own, not only would it be a miracle, but at least we will be prepared.

We have an appt. with our RE on Dec. 6th to discuss what our next steps will be. I am leaning towards Folli.stim, trigger shot and either TI or IUI depending on what our RE thinks. I already have all of the meds I would need for a few cycles, so we are ready to go in January.

I don't think I have shared this bit of news with you all, but I have volunteered to take over the local RESOLVE Infertility Peer Led Support Group. The current facilitator is moving out of State and she asked me if I would be interested in leading the group. I am very excited, the first meeting where I will be facilitating is next week and I am really looking forward to it. This is where you all come in...I would like to have some information/guides etc. to help the group members get through the holidays. So...if you have any literature/website/insight etc. would you kindly leave me a comment. This is always the hardest time of year for me especially this year knowing that we should have two lovely children to share the holiday season with this year.

Thank you in advance for your help! I will update you on our RE appt. as well!