I had an HSG this month which is where they detect if your fallopian tubes are blocked or not. In order to do this, they have to pry you wide open (down there) stick a needle looking thing into the cervix and shoot you full of this blue dye. Then you lie there for a minute, make sure the blue dye flows through both fallopian tubes with ease and then you are done.
Well...the blue dye conquered my tubes like the North conquered the South. No blockages in these babies! That is great news.
So...Good sperm, good tubes, good uterus..just NO EGGS!!!! Well, I am sure I have eggs...I ASSUME I have eggs anyway, they just don't like to crawl their lazy asses out of my ovary. Oh...I am sure it is nice and comfy in there, warm, plenty of food and drinks, good music but HONESTLY... you all can't stay in there FOREVER. Sooner or later at least one of you have to come out...and when you do....your gonna get it!
So after the HSG I got to get stabbed with a needle (by the way...since this whole infertility thing, I have completely conquered my fear of needles. Now I almost get some sick enjoyment out of it!) to check my progesterone count (once again) and then...here comes the fun part, but first, let me give you some background info to set the mood.
My old endocronologist was sure I had PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome.
I wasn't.
I mean, ok, I have some of the symptoms, but you would think that (given the name) I would have cysts on my ovaries. Which, I don't. So I am not really sure the diagnosis fits, however I did not go to school for a zillion years to become a dr. either, but that is all beside the point. So my new Reproductive Endocronologist (Dr. R) is testing me for Cushings Syndrome, which has similar symptoms as PCOS, but a very different cause. It is caused by an overproduction of the adrenal glands which cause weight gain, facial hair, darkening and thickening of the skin etc. BUT... Cushings Syndrome is TREATABLE...more so than PCOS. (So everyone root for me Cushing's...Cushing's...Cushing's) OK...the BAD part is how the actually TEST for Cushing's syndrome. They have to check your cortisol (some hormone) levels over a 24 hour period. They use urine instead of blood to test. So...for the last 24 hours, I have had to pee in something that looks like this:
OK...so keep in mind a couple of things. 1. I am a woman, I do not have a penis. 2. I am a woman, I do not have a penis 3. I DO NOT HAVE A PENIS.
(Are you seeing a pattern?) OK, whose idea was this little container anyway? I can understand for a man because he has the anatomy and ability to aim into a small hole like this (although if you look at the toilet seats at work, most men don't use that ability) but I do not have the anatomy or ability. This leaves me straddling the toilet holding this plastic bucket under me, doing some sort of balancing -trying-not-to-pee-on-myself-or-the-toilet-or-the-sink act. Once I finally manage to get some urine in the container (and only a little on the wall) I realize that I could not get any toilet paper off the roll. One hand was holding the pee bucket which now had pee dripping down the side and the other (which happens to be my left and I am right handed) is not coordinated enough to tear off a piece without the trusting help of the right hand....And so this debacle continued for a whole 24 hours.
As if peeing in a hole the size of a pin head wasn't bad enough...the pee bucket had to be stored in the refrigerator between urinations!!! Um...excuse me...I have to do this when I am at work...isn't there a law against putting bodily fluids in the refrigerator at work??? If there isn't...there should be!
But I did it, I bravely concealed my pee bucket in 3 plastic grocery bags and placed it gingerly in the refrigerator.
As if this routine had not been embarassing enough...after the 24 hour period was up...I had to take my pee bucket back to the lab. So there I go...walking through the doors where all 25 people in the waiting room look at me and then their stares moved down to the brown plastic Basha's bag I was carrying. I saw their eyes shift...not wanting to make eye contact...I heard the whispers..."what do you think it is? Do you think she is carrying her own pee in that bag?" "Probably...she looks pretty weird."
OK, maybe that was just my own insecurities talking but what unfolded next was humiliating.
I was not sure if I had to sign in and wait the hour like normal to be called to the desk or if I could just drop the pee and run, so I walked up to the receptionist who did not at all look happy to be alive and said in a very low, quiet tone:
ME: excuse me, I just need to drop off my urine collection (There is a new line coming out in the Spring, it is great for the collector in everyone)
ME: (the slightest bit louder) I just need to drop off my urine collection, do I still need to sign in and wait?
R: (very loudly) Yes...even if you are just dropping off your urine, you need to sign in, I still have to verify your orders"
**The whispering started up again, and I embarrased as all hell signed in with as much dignity as I could muster and took my seat next to an 80 year old woman who immediately got up and moved across the room from me. (I am NOT kidding this totally happened)
ME: "Hey lady, I might be carrying my pee, but at least it is in a plastic bucket and not in a diaper" - OK, I didn't say that, but I REALLY wanted to.
So...there is the update so far. I am sure there is more, but I have friends coming over tonight and I should get home. Oh....friends...that is the other thing I wanted to talk about...I will try to post on that one soon.
By the way...I go back to the Dr. on Jan. 3 to get my results. Please pray for Cushing's syndrome!!!!
How did your test turn out? I just had one of thos hsg things too...I had orange dye though. I would have preferred blue..haha
Came across your blog from the Stirrup Queens. Do you mind if I ask what symptoms of PCOS you did have? I have had one doc tell me I have it, one tell me I don't. I don't have the main symptoms (I ovulate, and my cycles are fairly regular), but I do have some - and they coincide with Cushings...
Great entry, btw. :)
Oh.my.goodness. That was hysterical! And that woman actually moved across the room when you sat down...priceless! Thanks for a very amusing post.
Hi everyone, I hope this post will be relevant in a general way to the topic being discussed. I found out that vitamin D combined with calcium supplementation resulted in normalized menstrual cycles within 2 months for 7 of 13 women in a recent study at Columbia University. Two became pregnant and the others maintained normal menstrual cycles. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in calcium regulation and thus may help to normalize the development of your follicles and increase odds of becoming fertile. I got the information from this web page: www.ovarian-cysts-pcos.com/vitamindfertility
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